Functional Testing

Modern functional health testing can tell you so much about what’s going on in your body and how food and lifestyle, environment, epigenetics and genetics are influencing your wellbeing and fertility.

Please note: these are indicative prices only and may vary

  • Organic acid test

    Organic Acid Test

    A comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health. Over 70 biological markers:

    Cost: $399

  • Nutripath logo

    Complete Microbiome Mapping

    A single stool sample to assess digestive markers and specific microbes that cause disease or disrupt normal microbial balance.

    Cost: $632.44

  • Doctors Data logo

    Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Panel

    This test helps detect and differentiate between gliadin and gluten as allergens or sensitivities in your system. It can also identify the presence of leaky gut.

  • Standard laboratory tests

    As a clinical nutritionist I can use standard laboratory tests to assess and track aspects of your nutrition status and some underlying drivers of health challenges.

  • thyroid

    Extensive Thyroid Panel

    Thyroid abnormalities are one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting millions worldwide. Thyroid function impacts basic metabolic rate (heart rate, temperature), growth and development, mood and pregnancy.

    COST: $207

  • DNA synthesis, genetic screening, chromosome

    Genetic Screening for Health

    Gene screening is a growing tool for health and fertility optimisation. To learn more and see your options go here

  • Sibo Test

    This is a non-invasive breath test that can tell you if you have an overgrowth of bacteria in your upper gastrointestinal tract (GI).

    Cost: $227.55

  • DUTCH hormone test

    Dutch Complete and Dutch Plus

    Accurate urine and saliva testing for endocrine hormones.

    Cost: $638 - $985

Standard Laboratory Tests

The variety of tests we can choose from give specific information for different body functions. Giving the ‘inside picture’ of cell and organ health

Functional testing will give an open window to view your gut function, hormone interactions, toxicity, neurotransmitter levels, nutritional status and your microbiome.

Chronic, persistent symptoms can get you down and hinder your life, but they are also a notification from your cells, that something isn’t right.

When cellular function isn’t right, this can mean challenges to all healthy function including reproductive function inhibiting fertility. Functional testing can put a spotlight on the underlying causes, and give you a strategic way forward.